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公司名称: Xinxiang Lida Well Screen Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 河南  
成立日期: 2006 
注册资金: 250万 - 500万 
员工数量: 101 - 500 人 
年销售额: 1000万 - 5000万 
主要产品: Johnson screen,bridge slot screen,water well screen,Sand Control Screen Pipe,Pipe Base Screen,Slotted Liner,Perforated Casing,Centralizer  
公司简介: Xinxiang Lida Filters Co.,Ltd are specialist manufacturers about Screens and Filters .They are widely used for water, oil and gas wells in the world. As China chief manufacturer and exporter, we export good quality water well screen to many countries. Main products cover bridge slot screen, wire wrapped well screen, stainless steel Johnson screen, water well screen, wedge wire screen, sieve bend screen, Johnson tube and sand control screen. In addition, we also offer perforated pipes and base pipes for well screen and Johnson screen.
Welcome you come to Lida Filters!

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The production of bridge slot screens and Johnson screen,which are the national geological sampling the popularization of bridge eyes with introduction of the filter water equipments, this type of products design is reasonable, appearance, reliable quality, suitable for hydrology, geology, engineering geology, chemical engineering geology, geothermal air conditioning, foundation precipitation, water source development, farmland and the urban water supply various industries such as construction . 
Xinxiang Lida Well Screen Co.,Ltd / 河南 / Filter Industrial Zone,Beihuan Road,Muye District,Xinxiang City, (453002) / 电话:0373-2638828

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